'Power Animal'


Do you know your animal guide?
Come on a painting journey with your animal friend or meet them for the first time.

Let your power animal help you remember your wild soul.

Let it help you connect with that force of nature that will
bring you back home to the mother,
to Pachamama.


Kids and grandchildren would love such a gift or even to join you and make their own Power Animal painting.

PRICE $119

Go At Your Own Pace


Your Power Animal & You


In this project, we will connect with your power animal through guided meditation and invite it into your self-portrait collage painting.

The animals empower us and remind us of our wild soul and inner strength.

We will listen to the message of your animal ally and will create an art piece that will stay by our side always.
Your Power Animal & You

Magical Friends


When you were a child did you have an animal that spoke magic to you?

When I was four years old my parents read me a book about a child with a horse, but since I lived in the city I was never able to meet this friend.

I longed to meet my horse, so I created this class so that we can heal that yearning together.
Magical Friends



This is a little wonderful addition to the course.
We will summon the spirit of a power animal to help us with a painting.

What Will You Receive

  • 15 professionally shot, downloadable HD videos, yours forever.

  • Guided meditations

  • Create 3 paintings

  • Private Facebook Group to connect with Sisters from around the world and receive support and feedback

  • Lessons in PDF form you can print to create a workbook

  • 'Power Animals' Inspiration resources

Participants Artwork

Part 1

"Michal courses are very unique and different from any other Art courses out there, they are pure magic helping you tap into a deeper part of your being and bringing this onto the canvas,
the techniques she introduces in the course are not anything I had come across before,
I found that they really loosened me up and got me out of perfectionism, which had previously been a blockage for me,
that alone was a shift for me,

however, the power Animal course, had even more treasures to share for me, connecting with my Power Animal and bringing it through onto the canvas, felt more like a soul retrieval, as parts of me that I had disconnected from returned, as I worked with my painting,
this brought through so much for me, bringing me the spark to once again ignite my creativity through painting....."
-Andrea Givan


What Do People Say

  • Debbie Hanna

    “Michal provides a safe and exciting journey to find our Power Animals . This course was so fun and informative for me.parts of myself that had been hidden came rushing forth. Tears of joy and remembrance were part of this experience for me. Mich...”

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    “Michal provides a safe and exciting journey to find our Power Animals . This course was so fun and informative for me.parts of myself that had been hidden came rushing forth. Tears of joy and remembrance were part of this experience for me. Michal is such a loving Spirit it’s easy to feel safe and go deep. She is a fabulous art instructor so we are able to express on canvas our emotions and visions with simple techniques . Thank you Michal for all your talents and gifts you so generously share with all of us. I am so grateful for this course. I learned so much about art and myself. Blessings ”

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  • Nicole Hedt

    “I am very blessed, what Michal has presented is not just another “how to paint” course. If you want a “how to paint” course save your money & go to the library and borrow a book. If you choose do do this through Michal, you will learn how ...”

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    “I am very blessed, what Michal has presented is not just another “how to paint” course. If you want a “how to paint” course save your money & go to the library and borrow a book. If you choose do do this through Michal, you will learn how to free yourself from the restraint of control & over thinking, you will be given tools that will help you connect spiritually and most importantly you will be deeply moved by the passion Michal inspires within you & for your artwork. There is no limit to what you can create in her class, your only limitation will be your self doubt. I have learnt so much but more importantly I have connected with a talented & supportive group through Michal on Facebook. This helps you grow & learn from others across the globe. It is a wonderful network & fellowship of likeminded people. I cannot recommend this highly enough! If you want to be free to discover the beauty inside you, around you & create something that has meaning & something to be proud of - do this course! ”

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  • Linda Graves

    “This might be my favorite of all the courses I've taken with you Michal. It was technically more difficult due to involvement of my finicky printer. But the deep dive into my personal images and animals has been amazing. Thank you ”

    “This might be my favorite of all the courses I've taken with you Michal. It was technically more difficult due to involvement of my finicky printer. But the deep dive into my personal images and animals has been amazing. Thank you ”

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  • Jacirendi Xakhar

    “Having already studied with Michal, I knew her dedication to her students and generosity of heart, I was still surprised by depth that the course "Power Animal" brought out in our work. The distinct course modules brought us to every aspect o...”

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    “Having already studied with Michal, I knew her dedication to her students and generosity of heart, I was still surprised by depth that the course "Power Animal" brought out in our work. The distinct course modules brought us to every aspect of our relationship with our Animal Guides, and ultimately to ourselves. The added bonus in studying with Michal is that like bees to honey, she has drawn to her a talented group of artists, who lovingly share of themselves and support one another. So much gratitude for this amazing course!”

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  • Ursula Wetzig

    “This course means a lot to me because it has made a huge difference in my life. I know, that we can be whatever we want and I could experience and fulfill this over many years in my life. But there was something holding me back from what I really ...”

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    “This course means a lot to me because it has made a huge difference in my life. I know, that we can be whatever we want and I could experience and fulfill this over many years in my life. But there was something holding me back from what I really wanted to life from the bottom of my heart, since I was a child: " I always wanted to be an artist." I love creativity and yet I lacked confidence and strength around myself and my art. I have many gifts, but I especially love art. I experience painting as a path of liberation, It is a way to discover the hidden and to experience growth. Through this course an important part of my soul has returned after a long search. For this I had to descend into the darkness, I was allowed to look my fear in the eyes and experience great change and healing. Michal is a great artist and a wonderful teacher. Her special gift is to always let true love flow in her words, professional videos and encounters. I appreciate Michal because she is authentic and gives something wonderful to her students. I hope that many people will experience the healing power of the soul through painting in connecting with the power animal, from the bottom of my heart Ursula Wetzig (Messenger, Healer, Mystic, Artist, Author, Business Economist, Trainer and Coach in business and spirituality...”

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  • Mali Armand

    “I take some short art courses periodically to expose myself to new methods. Michal’s course was very soulful. She has a very encouraging way to explore the techniques she is teaching. She is a very sweet and patient guide.”

    “I take some short art courses periodically to expose myself to new methods. Michal’s course was very soulful. She has a very encouraging way to explore the techniques she is teaching. She is a very sweet and patient guide.”

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  • Eucharia Counihan

    “Michal is an insightful and talented teacher who can guide both beginners and practiced, to a place where all can be awed by the authentic Beauty that can be accessed in ourselves and can be reflected back to us on a canvas. Thank you so much dea...”

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    “Michal is an insightful and talented teacher who can guide both beginners and practiced, to a place where all can be awed by the authentic Beauty that can be accessed in ourselves and can be reflected back to us on a canvas. Thank you so much dear Michal. Like a great mother, you held our hand and gently guided us through our insecurities towards the medicine our souls thirsted for. And I won't forget either, your patience in waiting... for our readiness... ”

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  • Carla Holden

    “This course is wonderful. It's brought my power animals closer in and now I have a physical reminder of them on my bedroom wall. This course has brought with it a reminder that I am loved and surrounded by the most amazing, loving guides, which ...”

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    “This course is wonderful. It's brought my power animals closer in and now I have a physical reminder of them on my bedroom wall. This course has brought with it a reminder that I am loved and surrounded by the most amazing, loving guides, which has been really needed during this difficult year. I'm still quite new to painting, I've loved learning all the different techniques and I know which ones I like and which ones I struggle with, so I have an idea of what I need to practice more too. If you'd told me a few months ago I would be able to produce a large canvas of myself and my power animals, I wouldn't have believed you! My confidence in my ability has improved hugely. Michal is a calm and beautiful presence, who clearly loves what she does. Her videos are easy to follow and she demonstrates all the elements that go into her painting. I love the way they flow. She is kind, encouraging and generous with her time and comments. Thank you for this precious gift, Michal. Onwards!”

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  • Suzanne Bowers

    “I had just started Moon Magic with 2 paintings down and Michal released Power Animal so I gave it a go! I loved learning this mixed media way of painting which allows for a quite accurate and fun approach to painting a portrait. I particularly...”

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    “I had just started Moon Magic with 2 paintings down and Michal released Power Animal so I gave it a go! I loved learning this mixed media way of painting which allows for a quite accurate and fun approach to painting a portrait. I particularly found doing my child portrait quite special and am now doing one for each of my grandchildren which is exciting! The zoom class also offered the unique opportunity to paint live with Michal and other sisters which was a joy. I love that Michal teaches us to create a sacred space and to follow our intuition and paint with a joyful heart it’s been perfect for me as previously I felt like I didn’t know how to paint! Lastly it’s been a pleasure to be part of the fb community and see all the amazing artwork that is being done in this course, very powerful and mind-blowing - so glad I did this course - thanks Michal 🙏❤️”

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  • Krystal Bailey Krystal Bailey

    “Michal's Power Animal Course spontaneously transported me into a mystical landscape of enchantment and mystery. I embarked on a mythopoetic journey, where I became both oracle and artist, being led on an alchemical adventure that spoke to my soul...”

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    “Michal's Power Animal Course spontaneously transported me into a mystical landscape of enchantment and mystery. I embarked on a mythopoetic journey, where I became both oracle and artist, being led on an alchemical adventure that spoke to my soul, intuitively weaving a sacred tapestry magically onto the canvas, acting as an otherworldly wayshower, leading me on an awe inspiring odyssey of revelation and remembrance, reflecting my devotional nature, and my divine essence. Next I journeyed back into precious memories of childhood, allowing me to reclaim both shadow gold, and illuminating jewels, reflecting the blessings, and the disowned parts that innocently wanted to be held in embracive tenderness, allowing them to be loved, and honoured into a more integrated wholeness. This work was very rich and meaningful for me. I am holding the canvases I created, in an awareness of gracious gratitude, and wonderment, for the healing pilgrimage they led me on. Michal's immense heart, and ripened wisdom guidance, transmits both healing medicine, and imaginative techniques. Treasures I will carry with me always into future creations. A luminous experience that runs deep with imaginal depth, and liberating beauty.”

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  • Melanie Gregory

    “I was so pleasantly surprised by how deep this course took me. What on the outside looked like a wonderful opportunity to create a self-portrait with my power animal, ended up being a deeply emotional and immersive experience where I was able to ...”

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    “I was so pleasantly surprised by how deep this course took me. What on the outside looked like a wonderful opportunity to create a self-portrait with my power animal, ended up being a deeply emotional and immersive experience where I was able to connect so much more deeply than I could possibly have imagined. So much wisdom was brought forth not only through the journey experiences, but also through the painting process itself. I especially loved painting the power animal for my inner child. I am so in love with the painting that was created. When I look at it I can feel the deep connection between the two of them and my heart just overflows with happiness. Thank you Michal for giving me the opportunity to have this experience to connect with my present as well as my past self in such a deeply profound and moving way. Many Blessings, Melanie”

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  • Michal Shimoni


    Art is my medicine I need to take as often as possible.
    It is also the medicine I have to give, by sharing my art and facilitating the space for others to practice

    Although I have many years of formal art education, since I was 15, I have found myself blocked in my creativity because of so much information that diverted me away from my inner vision.
    Since then, I have evolved so that my paintings today come from an inner well, no planning, just opening and listening to what wants to come through me.
    It is a process of discovery in which I can find myself crying in awe. After studying art for many years it was a journey to find my way back to my true voice, my inner vision.
    I am grateful to be where I am now finding my joy in art and helping others find it.

    Michal Shimoni

    Michal Shimoni